Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Vaio new model Ad

The New Vaio

I was overwhelmed, when my boss told me I was on request
to do the latest Vaio Ad. - "Its like what!? a request? well thats new!"
Always, the Brief goes to Creative Director then it'll be relayed to us.
But last week, this Sony dude sent to our group-email these lines:

" I would appreciated if you assigned this artwork to Paok."

hahha! it was so nice, good thing theres a Client who appreciates.
because worst here, nobody on your colleagues would tell you that!

heres my options, i chose splashes since it talks on its
superb colors and picked the header from the line
"Mirror, mirror whose the most beautiful among them all" lol

the approved Ad in Arabic and English.
anyhow, thanks for trusting me, Hamidah

the documentary shot again! bow!

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